By teaching music as a liberal art, the department appeals to an ancient tradition that places music among the most important disciplines for forming the intellect. To this end, our program pursues the acquisition of practical skills along with a rigorous intellectual formation in musical thought.
1. Performance. Our facilities have marvelous acoustics, offering a unique setting to grow as a vocal or instrumental musician.
2. Theory. Whether or not you focus on composition, a working knowledge of music theory develops your ear for sound and strengthens your performing ability.
3. History. With a solid foundation in the traditions of Sacred and secular music, you can carry on those traditions with a style uniquely your own.
By teaching music as a liberal art, the department appeals to an ancient tradition that places music among the most important disciplines for forming the intellect. To this end, our program pursues the acquisition of practical skills along with a rigorous intellectual formation in musical thought.
1. Performance. Our facilities have marvelous acoustics, offering a unique setting to grow as a vocal or instrumental musician.
2. Theory. Whether or not you focus on composition, a working knowledge of music theory develops your ear for sound and strengthens your performing ability.
3. History. With a solid foundation in the traditions of Sacred and secular music, you can carry on those traditions with a style uniquely your own.
Music Department Audition Requirements:
Students should prepare 2-3 pieces of contrasting style and tempo from the classical repertoire. While a student may include one song from Musical Theater or Broadway, Pop/Jazz/Contemporary songs are unacceptable.
Repertoire should include pieces from the following, with at least one selection from a foreign language, Â and must be performed from memory:
Students should prepare 2-3 pieces of contrasting styles that best represent the applicant's abilities on the piano. Â Pieces from the Jazz and Ragtime repertoire may be accepted but are not recommended.
Repertoire of the following styles are preferred and recommended:
Students should prepare 2 pieces from their performance repertoire as well as a few verses of a hymn tune.
Repertoire should include the following:
Submit this form to note your interest in auditioning for the Music Program. Dr. Ferranti will reach out to schedule your audition.
Adjunct Instructor of Music – Piano
Staff Collaborative Pianist
Adjunct Instructor of Music
Chair of the Music Department; Associate Professor of Music
(239) 280-1592
Canizaro Library 251
Associate Professor of Music
(239) 280-1588
Canizaro Library 252
MUSC 104 Music Theory I
MUSC 105 Music Theory II
MUSC 106 Aural Skills I
MUSC 107 Aural Skills II
MUSC 108 Class Piano I
MUSC 109 Class Piano II
MUSC 111-114 Applied Voice, Organ, Piano, or Composition (8 credits required)
MUSC 204 Music Theory III
MUSC 206 Aural Skills III
MUSC 208 Class Piano III
MUSC 312 Survey of Western Music History
MUSC 430 Conducting I
MUSC 431 Conducting II
MUSC 440 Senior Recital or MUSC 441 Senior Project or MUSC 443 Senior Internship
8 credits of Choir (MUSC 200, MUSC 101M/W). Placement by audition. Note that access to subsidized applied music fees for majors and minors for a given semester requires participation in a mixed ensemble as determined by the department.
2 credits of Chamber Choir (MUSC 410/411)
MUSC 104 Music Theory I
MUSC 105 Music Theory II
MUSC 106 Aural Skills I
MUSC 107 Aural Skills II
MUSC 108 Class Piano I
MUSC 109 Class Piano II
MUSC 111-114 Applied Voice, Organ, Piano, or Composition (4 credits required)
Any music elective (2 credits required)
Recommended: MUSC 101M/MUSC 101W
MUSC 200 Concert Choir
MUSC 400 Vocal Pedagogy
MUSC 401 Music Technology
MUSC 410 Chamber Choir
MUSC 430 Conducting I
MUSC 431 Conducting II
5050 Ave Maria Blvd., Ave Maria, FL 34142