



At AMU, we don’t just want you to have the best college experience possible. We also set you up for professional success for the rest of your life. At Career Services, we have everything you need to find and get your dream job.

I'm a Student

We are here to help you use your education, get a job, and begin finding your place in the world after college. On our student career page we have resources for finding a major that you’ll love, picking a career that meets your needs while using your gifts, getting into graduate school and more! Come let us help you.

I'm an Employer

With so many college graduates looking for jobs, it can be hard to connect with the ones that will really make a difference at your company. Fortunately, our university is happy to connect you with the perfect fit for your opening. Come to our job fair, reach out to our students on Handshake or use the host of other resources we offer to help you meet promising young employees.

I Want to Help

We are incredibly blessed to be surrounded by a community who wants to help our students out. Whether you are a parent who wants to support us, an alumni who wants to give back or even just someone who is inspired by our mission, we are grateful for everything you do for our students.


Excited to start looking for a job but don’t know where to start? Overwhelmed by the thought of looking for a job? Just want to chat about your resume? Our staff is happy to meet with you and begin moving you towards your career. Schedule a meeting today!