Many young Catholics wonder how they should respond to current environmental issues. There are exciting developments in grassroots homesteading and low-consumption lifestyles, as well as leading international scientists who boldly profess their Catholic faith. The Agriculture and Catholic Environmental Stewardship (ACES) minor provides a solid intellectual framework for environmental sustainability, a clear expression of the Church’s teaching, and development of the practical skills needed to live it.
The ACES minor explores concerns about the environment from scientific, philosophical, and theological perspectives. It teaches you how to clearly explain the Catholic position and then complements the study with practical application—deepening the study and enriching the experience. This integrated approach will help prepare you to become a transformative Catholic presence in society and in broader public conversation.
Many young Catholics wonder how they should respond to current environmental issues. There are exciting developments in grassroots homesteading and low-consumption lifestyles, as well as leading international scientists who boldly profess their Catholic faith. The Agriculture and Catholic Environmental Stewardship (ACES) minor provides a solid intellectual framework for environmental sustainability, a clear expression of the Church’s teaching, and development of the practical skills needed to live it.
The ACES minor explores concerns about the environment from scientific, philosophical, and theological perspectives. It teaches you how to clearly explain the Catholic position and then complements the study with practical application—deepening the study and enriching the experience. This integrated approach will help prepare you to become a transformative Catholic presence in society and in broader public conversation.
Intellectual framework: You will receive a solid understanding of the philosophical and scientific issues surrounding environmental stewardship. Â
Real experience: Hands-on outdoor classes will provide you with the means to concretely apply the theories you learn.
Living a Catholic sustainability: You will be able to articulate how the Church understands the role of humans as stewards of God’s creation as well as begin to implement this practical model in your own life. Â
Instructor of Biology; Faculty Athletics Representative
(239) 304-7366
Canizaro Library 249
Associate Professor of Biology; Director of Agriculture and Catholic Environmental Stewardship Minor
(239) 304-7345
Henkels 2021
Visiting Assistant Professor of Biology
(239) 304-7085
Thomas Student Union 2007A
5050 Ave Maria Blvd., Ave Maria, FL 34142