
Cost of Attendence 2024-25

On CampusLiving W ParentsOff Campus NOT Living W Parents
Budget ItemFallSpringFall/SpringFallSpringFall/SpringFallSpringFall/Spring
Total Direct Costs Due to AMU$22,127.00$22,123.00$44,250.00$15,126.00$15,122.00$30,248.00$15,126.00$15,122.00$30,248.00
Books & Supplies$660.00$660.00$1,320.00$660.00$660.00$1,320.00$660.00$660.00$1,320.00
Personal Miscellaneous$550.00$550.00$1,100.00$550.00$550.00$1,100.00$550.00$550.00$1,100.00
Living Expenses$190.00$190.00$380.00$3,194.00$3,194.00$6,387.00$7,719.00$7,719.00$15,437.00
Total Indirect Costs$2,375.00$2,375.00$4,750.00$5,379.00$5,379.00$10,757.00$9,904.00$9,904.00$19,807.00
Total Cost of Attendance$24,502.00$24,502.00$49,000.00$20,505.00$20,501.00$41,006.00$25,030.00$25,026.00$50,056.00
2024-2025 Undergraduate Estimated COA

Additional estimated allowance added to the COA for undergraduate of Students:

Student Loan Origination fee

Estimated allowance added to the student who accepted the federal student loans is 1% of the total federal Loans accpeted.

Plus Loan origination fee

Estimated allowance added to the student who accepted the Parent Plus Loan is 4.228% of the total federal Loans accpeted.

Estimated Housing Allowance for on campus Married Students or Older than 23

Estimated at $4,525 per term based on the mdian institution housing available for this cohort

Nursing Additional Books & Supplies

Estimated cost for students in their Junior and senior year majoring in Nursing, $1,162.

Teaching certification

Estimated per term on student's senior year, $255.

Estimated Lab Fees

Science classes with a laboratory, $66.51 perlaboratory, per semester

BIOL 105 and BIOL 106 with a laboratory, $242.49 per laboratory, per semester, to cover cost of field trips

BIOL 321 and BIOL 400, $242.49 per lecture, per semester, to cover cost of field trips

COMM 350, $66.51 per semester

Applied music classes - Music majors, primary concentration, $242.49 per semester

Applied music classes - Music majors, secondary concentration, $312.39 per semester

Applied music classes - Music minors, $322.82 per semester

Applied music classes - Non-Music majors, minors,$805.06 per semester

Directed Independent Study (DIS), $805.12 per DIS or $201.28per credit (Fall and Spring semester only; typically, a student may have only one directed independent study in his or her program)

Nursing Program, $501.51 per year

Study Abroad Fees

$3,200 Study Abroad Fee assesed to all student in the Study Abroad Programs

2024-2025 Graduate Estimated cost of Attendance

Tuition $420 (based on 12 credits p/term)$5,040.00$5,040.00$10,080.00
Living expenses$7,719.00$7,719.00$15,438.00
Books & Supplies$660.00$660.00$1,320.00
Master of Arts in Theology
Tuition $590 per credit
Based on 8 credits p/term$4,720.00$4,720.00$9,440.00
Authtication Fee ($51.17 per course)$102.34$102.34$204.68
Living Expenses$7,719.00$7,719.00$15,438.00
Books & Supplies$660.00$660.00$1,320.00
Personal Miscellaneous$550.00$550.00$1,100.00
Master of Business Administration
Tuition 6 Credits ($561 p/credit)$3,366.00$3,366.00$3,366.00$10,098.00
Authtication Fee ($51.17 per course)$102.34$102.34$102.34$307.02
Living Expenses$2,894.00$2,894.00$2,894.00$8,682.00
Books & Supplies$495.00$495.00$495.00$1,485.00
Mster of Education (M.ED.) in Catholic Educational Leadership